
murfree crossword.pdf

A crossword puzzle to aid students in learning about the Murfree family. 

Educational Resources

Thank you for your interest in educational resources about Grantlands Plantation and the Murfree family. This page has lessons and activities for children in grades 3 through 8. Some activities listed under grades 3-5 can also be used for those in grades 6-8. These activities are meant to be enjoyable and educational, and they may be used in the classroom or by those who wish to continue learning about Murfreesboro’s founding family and their home.



murfree crossword answers (1).pdf

The answers to the Murfree family crossword puzzle.

3rd-5th Grade


INSTRUCTOR: Sarah Keenan and Nathaniel Scott

UNIT TOPIC: Rediscovering Grantlands



II. Objectives

  • Given a website about Grantlands Plantation, students will be able to identify members of the Murfree family and be able to tell the story of Grantlands Plantation



  • Computer Technology Literacy and Usage:
    • Standards: 1.0, 3.0
  • English/Language Arts:
    • Standards: 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 6.0
  • Reading:
    • Standards: 1.0
  • Social Studies:
    • Standards: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 6.0


III. Teaching Materials and Resources

  • Computer with internet access
  • Necessary worksheets


IV. Teaching Procedure

  1. Preparation

            1. Overview

Grantlands Plantation was located inMurfreesboroand the house was destroyed in the Civil War. Much of the land from the originial Grantlands plantation has been developed in various ways inMurfreesboro. The purpose of this website is to rediscover the Murfree family and their plantation, Grantlands. This education unit provides activities to familiarize students with the plantation and the Murfree famile.



  1.  Activities

Key Points


 Family History



Murfree Family



Grantlands Plantation








Worksheet for students to discover and draw their own family trees


Crossword puzzle featuring members of the Murfree family


Students will have the opportunity to write an essay on how they imagine life on a plantation similar to Grantlands

*Teachers please note this is a broad assignment so you can make this essay as specific or as broad as you like


Various map activities to help understand the location of the plantation, in relation to current buildings/roads in theMurfreesboroarea.



V. References

Map Activities:


Map Activities

Grades 3, 4, 5


  1. Students will make their own map of the Grantlands Plantation.  The students will color coordinate the physical features of their map (blue=water, green=farmland, dark green/brown=forest, etc.)
    1. These maps can be made from any materials (clay, play dough, paper mache’, etc.


Creative Writing Assignment


Instructions: Write a reflective essay about how you imagine a day on Grantlands Plantation might have been like.


Now and Then


Instructions: Identify three sets of pictures and/or drawings on the Grantlands exhibit. You will need to use three older pictures, and three current pictures. Then, describe what has changed from when the older pictures were taken and now.



Describe the three older pictures:











Describe the three current pictures:











Write down what has changed since the older pictures were taken:








Why do you think these changes took place?





On the website, you can see the family tree of members of the Murfree family. In the space below, draw a family tree for your family. Go back as many generations as you can. If you can, include dates and where your family member came from.





 6th-8th Grade



INSTRUCTOR: Sarah Keenan and Nathaniel Scott

UNIT TOPIC: Rediscovering Grantlands



II. Objectives

  • Given a website about Grantlands Plantation, students will be able to identify members of the Murfree family and be able to tell the story of Grantlands Plantation



  • Computer Technology Literacy and Usage:
    • Standards: 1.0, 3.0, 5.0
  • English/Language Arts:
    • Standards: 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0
  • Reading:
    • Standards: 1.0
  • Social Studies:
    • Standards: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 6.0
  • Mathematics:
    • Standards: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0


III. Teaching Materials and Resources

  • Computer with internet access
  • Necessary worksheets


IV. Teaching Procedure

  1. Preparation

            1. Overview

Grantlands Plantation was located inMurfreesboroand the house was destroyed in the Civil War. Much of the land from the originial Grantlands plantation has been developed in various ways inMurfreesboro. The purpose of this website is to rediscover the Murfree family and their plantation, Grantlands. This education unit provides activities to familiarize students with the plantation and the Murfree famile.



  1.  Activities

Key Points


 Family History



Murfree Family



Grantlands Plantation





















“Now and Then”

Worksheet for students to discover and draw their own family trees


Crossword puzzle featuring members of the Murfree family


Students will have the opportunity to write an essay on how they imagine life on a plantation similar to Grantlands

*Teachers please note this is a broad assignment so you can make this essay as specific or as broad as you like


Students will be able to determine what materials were used to build the Grantlands house, and why these materials would have been useful to the Union Army


Various map activities to help understand the location of the plantation, in relation to current buildings/roads in theMurfreesboroarea.

The students will use the Grantlands Plantation exhibit as a basis for reading and making maps and to develop an understanding of travel in the 1800’s.


Students will recognize and understand how Grantlands Plantation area changed over time.



V. References

Map Activities:  



Map Math

In the 1800s, people relied mostly on carriages for transportation.  In most cases, a carriage traveled at an average of about 4 miles per hour.  Have students determine how long it would have taken the Murfree’s to travel to these different locations from Grantlands Plantation: 

1.      Murfreesboro Courthouse and the Square – 1.75 miles 



2.      Nashville – 34 miles  



3.      Franklin – 31 miles   



4.      Knoxville – 178 miles  




Murfree House


Look at the picture of the Grantlands Plantation house on the website. The house was destroyed in the Civil War.  Below, describe what kinds of materials were used to build the house. Also, explain why you think these materials could have been used by the Union Army


Materials Used


How might these materials useful to the Army?
















What does this tell us about what might have happened to other plantation homes during the Civil War?